Friday, September 26, 2014

First copies of Pressed for Time arrive!

The first copies of the Pressed for Time standard edition have arrived from the binder, Priscilla Spitler. The final push of the production involved a lot of finishing handwork: a letter I from the Job alphabet painted in black gouache by Nancy; an intersection, circle, and arc drawn by me in pencil, liquid watercolor, and India ink to illustrate Eclectic Geometric or, Lunch with Nicolete; and last, but not least, a smoke drawing. With these drawings complete all of the books have been collated and shipped to the binders. I did the smoke drawings in stages so that we could get the binders started before I finished, with the end goal of having a finished book for the Oak Knoll Fest next weekend. In the coming weeks Annie will take better photos of the book but, in the meantime, here are some quick pics.

 Form of my proprietary foundry types and a proof, from the type specimen.

 Nancy Loeber painting the Job "I".

 Drawing the circles for Eclectic Geometric.

 Making a smoke drawing.

 The bound book in slipcase.

The title spread.

The pages describing the Noise series and Incidents.

Titling types from the type specimen.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

October Events

Oak Knoll Fest XVIII, October 3-5
I will be speaking at the Oak Knoll Fest Symposium on Friday, October 3rd and showing my books at the Fest on the 4th and 5th. As usual, there is a great roster of speakers and exhibitors. Visit for details.

The Collecting of Artist Books, Museum of Modern Art, October 11
As part of the Center for Book Arts 40th Anniversary celebrations I will be on a panel, Letterpress Today and Its Relevancy for Artmaking, moderated by Katherine Ruffin. The other panelists include Robin Price, Mark Dimunation, and Duke Collier. Visit for details.

Comprehending a Cube: Eighteen Months of Living with Euclid, The Grolier Club, October 16
I will be discussing my recent book, Interstices & Intersections or, An Autodidact Comprehends a Cube, at a special functions dinner at The Grolier Club. The event is only open to Grolier Club members so, if you are one, I hope to see you there.

Diverse Characters: An Exhibition of Letterforms and Books by Russell Maret, October 23
6:00pm Chang Octagon, Butler Library, Columbia University
An opening reception for an exhibition of my more recent books, timed to coincide with the publication of my new bibliography, Pressed for Time. The show is on display now, closing January 23, 2015. Visit for details.